April and May Service Specials

Replace 10 or more Sprinkler Heads and Save $ - Replace 10-19 Heads and Save 10%
- Replace
20 or more Heads and Save 20%
Savings valid on any mix of spray and/or rotor heads purchased
at our flat rate pricing of $21 per spray head and $37 per rotor head. Flat rate pricing includes parts and labor as well
as raising, lowering, and straightening of the head as needed. Can be done at your Spring Start Up appointment or by scheduling
a service call. Please let us know that you need heads replaced when scheduling so that enough time can be allowed to do the

 Smart Controller Special

Rachio Contoller Installed (1-8 zones)
$475 Rachio Controller Installed (9-16 zones)
$525 April and May 2023 Only - Get $30 off your
Rachio timer with installation when you have us install it at your Spring Start Up Call or Click Today to Schedule Your Appointment