Step 1 Shut off water valve for sprinklers.
Step 2 Go outside and remove RPZ valve. This is done by loosening the unions
on each side of the valve and lifting the unit out. Bring the RPZ inside for the winter.
Step 3 Turn valve handles at a 45 degree angle on the outside piping. This is 1/2 on
and 1/2 off. This is very important or the valves will crack and you will pay for new ones.
Step 4 Place plastic bags over the exposed ends.
Step 5 Locate sprinkler drain. If located inside, open and drain into a bucket. If
located outside, open and leave open for winter.
6 If you have a booster pump for the sprinkler system only, unplug at this time. Failure to do so may result in pump damage
not covered by warranty.
Step 7 Program all stations
to run for 5 minutes each. When cycle is over turn off clock. You will not see or hear anything happening during this last